Tres años después de haber presentado la (r)evolución de la cerámica desafiamos las mentes creativas del taller Às Duas por 3 para que concibiesen nuevas soluciones y creasen una nueva identidad cerámica.
Inês Cesteiro y Sónia Rodrigues crearon Timeless, una nueva perspectiva de la intemporalidad de los mármoles Calacatta Oro y Marquina Nero y la belleza inquebrantable de las piedras de Pure Stone.
How to make a floor plan:
With the help of a tape measure, measure the long side and the short side of your bathroom.
Create a simple drawing and write down the measures.
Also add structures: doors, windows and sanitary items.
If you want you can also add measures for doors and windows and their distance from the wall.
If you want to remove any sanitary ware please mark with an X.
The more information you add, more accurate your bathroom will be.